Saturday May 17th, 2025
COST: $10 per person (advance) $15 day of
LOCATION: Departs AMVets Post 1992
32201 Amvets Way, Mt Dora, FL 32757
TIME: Registration begins at 8:30AM
Kick stands up at 10:30AM
ESCORT: Lake County Sheriffs Office Motorcade
LAST STOP: Gator Harley Davidson
1745 US. HWY 441, Leesburg, FL 34748

POST 1992

Saturday May 17th, 2025
Harleys for Hero's is a program coordinated by VetFest Lake County, a 501C3 organization. Our charity raises money and donates custom build bikes for wounded veterans that are vetted and choosen by our board.
The 2025 recipient is:
Juan Aramis

2025 Harleys for Heroes RECIPIENT

Army Staff Sargeant
Born November 19, 1981
From Pompano, Florida
Juan Aramis, also known as Alejo, is a retired Army Staff Sargeant after serving 10 years. He joined the Army in 2001 as a 13B Field Artillery cannon crew member and completed 2 tours in Iraq between 2003 and 2006.
During his second deployment in 2006, on July 20, 2006, Juan was severely injured by an explosion while stationed in Mosul, Iraq.
The injury resulted in bilateral upper extremity amputations, third degree burns over 77% of his body and calcification in both elbows.
Juan has been chose by the VetFest Lake County board to be the 2025 recipient of a adapted motorcyle.

2024 Harleys for Heroes RECIPIENTS

Army Specialist E4
Born May 30, 1988
From Green Bay, Wisconsin
JP deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 as a combat engineer. His job was to search for IED's. On July 2, 2011 he was seriously injuried when a 200lb IED detonated during his mission. He was in a coma for 6 weeks and lost both of this legs and sustained major internal and external injuries.
JP is now an inspirational speaker and performer.
He is also the author of a book, Walking Again".
Our mission is to help him "Ride Again".
USMC Master Sargeant E8
Born November 5, 1979
From San Antonio, Texas
Gabe enlisted in January of 1999 as an infantryman. He was deployed to the middle-East on 5 tours. On August 10, 2008 he was serving as the platoon sargeant for the 3rd platoon, FOX company, 2nd Battalion 7th Marine Regiment when his company was conducting a company reinforced attack and came under heavy fire from the North and South. His vehicle was struck by an IED. Even after losing his leg in the attack, he continued to service in the Marines for a total of 22 years.

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